I haven’t even officially started as a PI (March!) and I’m already receiving unsolicited applications from international students to work in my lab. I understand it may not be easy to find and apply for jobs that are not in one’s native language, but using a service to mass cold-call researchers in one’s “field” (e.g. […]
Student/Postdoc application spam from zsr.cc
January 1st, 2013 14 Comments
Tags: postdoc · spam · student
Bonjour Montreal!
October 15th, 2012 No Comments
I’ve finished my tenure at McMaster and am now at McGill University working as a postdoc with Boz Wing (Earth and Planetary Sciences) and Lyle Whyte (Natural Resource Sciences). I’ll be doing genomics of sulfate reducing bacteria with Boz and styding permafrost bacteria genomes with Lyle. Adieu!