Autumn 2020: GEOG3000: Aquatic Ecosystem Services
Spring 2016, 2018: MSL212 Astrobiology: Planets, Oceans, and Life
Autumn 2013–2018: MSL449/MSL650 Biological Oceanography.
2009–2012: McMaster University, Astrobiology Journal Club
March 2012: Guest Lectures in “Life in the Universe” and “Genomes and Evolution” at McMaster University
Winter 2011: Environmental Genomics Workshop at McGill University
March 2011: Guest Lecture in “Life in the Universe” at McMaster University
Autumn 2008: Teaching Assistant for “Biological Oceanography” at the University of Washington
Spring 2008: Teaching Assistant for the Oceanography Senior Research Cruise at the University of Washington.
The final report: “Proceedings from the University of Washington School of Oceanography Undergraduate Senior Thesis Research Expedition to Glacier Bay Alaska, March 2008” [ 24 Mb PDF]
Autumn 2007: Teaching Assistant for Advanced Field Oceanography at the University of Washington